Cheating Husband Taught Ballbusting Lesson
April 12, 2013
Staring at the bottom of yet another empty glass of beer, Steve clicked his fingers to get the pretty Polish waitresses attention.
She sidled over to him her face lighting up in a beaming smile ‘another big beer ’ she asked – her thick accent sounding even sexier each time she went through the same ritual.
He nodded – and watched her gorgeous little ass wiggle under her tight black skirt. Any other time he would have flirted back – probably got her number and certainly would have fucked her. But this trip was about other things – darker things.
He’d been in Krakow for two days – two days that had become a blur of too many beers and vodkas in bar after bar that surrounded the stunning square like the circling of the wagon trains in the western films of old.
His waitress had shown a keen interest in him from the first time he’d stumbled into her arms late on that first evening fuelled with a belly full of booze. As he’d sipped umpteen vodkas chased down with warm apple juice he had sobbed openly, and, unembarrassed by this strange Englishman’s emotions, she’d rubbed his back and listened.
The next morning she’d urged him to only drink in the square after dark – safe surrounded by other tourists and the sinister looking local security people. He’d heeded her advice and ventured only to the nearby park to sit alone on a bench and sob quietly to himself.
His hand reached into his pocket pulling out a crumpled tattered shiny black business card – Stella – it said simply, with a telephone number. He thumbed it gently and threw some notes on the table. His waitress waved looking a little peeved.
Walking through the crowds he saw what he needed and entered the post office. His hands were shaking as he dialled the number the card resting on the telephone table. It answered almost immediately and his stomach flipped – he was desperate to hang up but the sharp voice snapped him into reality.
‘This is Stella – state your business’ – the voice was dark and silky if a little bored.
‘I got your number from – from a friend..’ he stammered.
‘I have no friends..’ the voice said ‘only slaves and servants..’
Steve gulped and felt his tummy turn over.
‘You can help me…you have to help me…” he felt the tears coming.
With a sigh Stella spat down the phone – ‘if you are serious be in the Black Bar in I hour – order red wine.’ And she hung up.
Now sat in the window seat the cheap red wine doing nothing to help the butterflies in his stomach he watched as a limousine with blackened windows pulled up. The rear window rolled down and a long slender arm appeared, the full length leather glove catching the afternoon sun – and it beckoned to him.
In the rear of the huge limousine he tried to make out the face of the obviously very tall women sat beside him, but her body was covered with what looked like a huge black fur coat with hood.
‘Put this on’ she had hissed handing him a hood – he had done so and the rest of journey had passed in total and utter silence. As the car braked and pulled to a stop he felt her hands around his throat and stiffened as a tight leather collar snapped into place. The chink of the chain made him jump and he felt her breath through the hood:
‘On your knees..’ it was a voice you didn’t argue with and Steve complied. He almost choked as she pulled the chain tight and he fell hitting his chin painfully on the floor. She snapped the chain hard:
‘All fours like the dirty filthy stinking dog you are..’ he heard her shoes on what felt like cobbled stones and heard the creaking of a door open and he was dragged inside. He could feel a flagstone floor as his hands scrabbled to find a grip, his knees already feeling the pain of crawling.
Through a series of doors he was led and every time he faltered or she felt him tense, the chain was jerked tightly causing him to not only gag but also feel the vomit surge to the back of his throat. He assumed they were going deep down into the basement of the house and he shuddered at what horrors might lay beneath.
‘Stand’ she snarled kicking him hard in his side – ‘Stand up and raise your hands above your head.’
He felt coarse rope loop around his wrists as the woman he assumed was Stella swiftly and expertly tied him fast. He heard the whirl of a motor and his arms were pulled quickly high above his head causing him to let out a yelp of pain.
The sharp stab of what felt like a wooden pole in his stomach cut his gasp of pain off in mid-flight and the wind went out of him and he felt his knees sag.
“SILENCE!’ she said her voice echoing around the room – ‘never speak in my presence.’
He felt silk pushed into his mouth and tried to turn away, but his stomach was hit again and he relented feeling a leather gag tied around his face keeping the silk in his mouth in place.
It seemed like an age that he’d hung there his shoulder’s beginning to burn whilst all the time he could hear her moving around humming gently to herself. He heard various zips being undone but could not see a thing through the darkness of the hood.
Suddenly he felt hands on his belt and swiftly his trousers and underwear were pulled down hard and his shirt ripped open. Instinctively he struggled making the pain in his arms even worse and tried to raise his knees to cover his exposed and vulnerable manhood.
She shrieked with laughter and he heard the unmistakable swish of a cane. Inside he was screaming but though the silken gag no sound came out.
She snorted like a horse – then there was total silence.
He heard the sound of the cane flying through the air at first, then the searing pain as it made contact with his bare buttocks. The pain raced through his body causing his ear drums to tingle and he arched his whole body screaming in agony.
Before his mind could understand what was happening that dreaded sound of the cane travelling on its painful arc came again and again and again. Each time the pain was more intense and each time he screamed but no one could hear.
She stopped her hateful act and he felt her hand under his chin and her breath on his face through the hood:
‘You like..’ she breathed and chuckled.
He felt her hands rubbing his chest and he was damn sure she was still holding the cane. Either that or her hands were as cold as ice through the leather gloves. He stiffened as he felt fingers and thumbs settle on his nipples and his body tensed.
Slowly she began to squeeze them as if testing the ripeness of fruit at the market. She moved her hands in opposite directions all the time increasing the pressure until she pulled both and twisted as hard as she could. As he tried to contort his body away from her she drove her knee firmly into his balls.
‘Keep still..’ she hissed and her knee struck again.
He felt the vomit rise and pain in his scrotum was like nothing he’d ever known before. She stepped back and he heard her foot spark off the stone floor. The kick took him completely by surprise and he screamed in abject agony as her leather boot caught him square between the legs.
His head was spinning and he struggled, violently thrashing his body to the left and the right in total panic trying anything to get free and away from the pain.
‘Ssssh..’ she whispered…
‘You’re actions meant this was going to happen – no one else’s..’ and he felt her teeth sink painfully into his ear lobe.
Her leather gloved hand moved lower and rested on his balls, the coolness, like ice, seemed to momentarily ease the pain. He should have known better. Her hand like a tiny vice began to squeeze and squeeze as if squeezing an orange for breakfast he thought bizarrely as the pain became unbearable and his body shutting down, he passed out.
The shock of cold water poured over his head snapped him awake and he felt the bile rise as his brain tried to cope with the agony in his balls and body. He shook his head to try to get some clarity and he heard his wife’s voice.
‘Has he learned his lesson yet..?’ she said.
‘Maybe or maybe not’ he heard Stella say – ‘you have paid for much more – if you think he needs it.’
‘Actually,’ said his wife, ‘after that last affair with his secretary he agreed to this and of course to pay for your ‘ – she chuckled – ‘medical services .
You come highly recommended as shock therapy for serial wayward rich husbands. And this is much better than any divorce settlement – certainly cheaper and oh so much more fun’
He heard her footsteps coming closer:
‘Have you learned your lesson Steve?’ – said his wife – ‘are you ever going to be unfaithful again..?’
Steve shook his head vigorously and he heard both Stella and his wife laugh.
He felt his wife take a step back.
‘May I.?’ she said.
‘Of course.’ Replied Stella.
Steve tensed as he heard his wife draw her foot back sharply.